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Tim Hortons Guest Services
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Tims® Financial
Tims® Mastercard
Tims® Mastercard (standard version)
What criteria is used to determine my eligibility for a credit limit increase on my Tims Mastercard?
27 March 2024 13:10
Your eligibility for a credit limit increase is based on several factors, including:
Credit score
Repayment history
Account behaviour
Articles in this section
Why was my APR changed?
Why was my credit limit reduced?
What other benefits do I get with my Tims Mastercard ?
Why was my Tims Mastercard transaction declined?
How can I use my Tims Mastercard before the physical card arrives?
How long will it take to get my physical Tims Mastercard in the mail?
Where can I find my statements for my Tims Mastercard?
Where can I view the transaction history/card activity for my Tims Mastercard?
How will the Tims Hortons app also work as the app to access Tims Mastercard ?
Can I request convenience cheques for my Tims Mastercard?
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